οξικό ασβέστιο - translation to English
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οξικό ασβέστιο - translation to English

οξικό ασβέστιο      
calcium acetate
calcium acetate         
Calcium Acetate; California snowballs; California snowball; Calcium acetate anhydrous; Phoslo; Calcium ethanoate; Acetate of lime; ATC code A12AA12; ATCvet code QA12AA12; Calac; PhosLo; PhosLo Gelcaps; Sorbo-calcian; Sorbo-calcion; Teltozan; Calcium di(acetate); Calcium diacetate; Calcium acetate monohydrate; Brown acetate; C4H6CaO4; (CH3COO)2Ca; Phoslyra
οξικό ασβέστιο